All doors were shut for fear of the Jews
The Sentiments during the week of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus:
All the Jews were in town for the Passover; the Pharisees, Scribes, Jewish leaders were strictly attached to the observance of the Law; the political power represented by Pontius Pilate took all necessary precaution to prevent any trouble; and the disciples were afraid of Jesus because of the brutality of the Jews against Jesus. All this leads to the idea of “faction”.
James Madison argues in Federalist #10 that the formation of factions is the natural behavior of men. Whether the group is a majority or minority faction, the goals they pursue may be counter to the good of other factions, or society as a whole.
According to Madison, there are two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests.
Jesus and his followers were seen as a faction against the Jewish and Roman establishments: they must be eliminated. Hence, the fear that came upon the disciples.
Jesus is the reason of their gathering
They made the difficult choice to stand for Jesus. They had the choice to compromise but they didn’t. They had the choice to go back to their own families, but they didn’t. They had the choice to run for their lives, but they didn’t. They stayed in the game with Jesus. It is true that they shut their doors for fear of the Jews, but we have to keep in mind that they gathered together for Jesus.
How about you? Where do you put Jesus in your life? Does He occupy the first place? When it comes to choose between your relations, your friends, your families, your relatives and Jesus, what do you choose?
To overcome the world, we cannot support or please the world, friends, families or relatives for no reason at all. For God to do what he promised in Isaiah 43: 1-12, you must make a choice, a clear choice, which is to be on the right side, his side.
As Christians, we are not going to join the world. There is nothing that can justify our choice of the world, families and friends over Jesus, the Bible, the Church, the Kingdom. Nothing!
Be in the same faction with Jesus!
Peace and blessings!
Fr. Thierry
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