Randy Alcorn has recently repeated a common idea among many evangelicals that one should not read what others write about the bible but rather read it themselves. We Anglicans agree- up to a point. The point is this- if one shouldn't read what Wesley and Calvin have to say, then why should one read what Randy Alcorn has to say? This is what is known as a logical fallacy and it is called a
self refuting argument.
Certainly one should read the Scriptures, they are the foundation of our faith and western civilization. However we believe we should not be our own highest authority because the Scripture itself
forbids it. A major theme of the Bible is transmission from one generation to the next
without addition and subtraction.

If we are not to read others but rely solely on ourselves to read the bible at what point do we become another Wesley to those that follow us? The idea seems to rule out Sunday school as well as commentaries and study bibles. Bad news for Christianbook.com! Are we to believe that because we are in flesh we are superior to those whose shoulders we stand on in understanding? Isn't that called pride?
Imagine if we applied Mr. Alcorn's
philosophy to other vocations or disciplines such as medicine:
"We shouldn't read the findings of other doctors, we should search the body for our own answers". Ouch. Or how about that $600.00 iPhone in your pocket when falling in the creek (yep, I did that) while fishing? How about an airline pilot or a SCOTUS jurist?
Isn't that exactly how the Court redefined marriage- they went it on their own disregarding precedent? Should each successive generation ignore the opinion, training, and collective wisdom of their chosen
disciplines and reinvent the wheel? What about maps or education? Surely if God's word states this principle than it should apply to everything in Creation
This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD. Ps. 102:18
We should read Origen, Chrysostom, Calvin and Wesley -- writers from every age of Christ's holy Bride- they have searched the scriptures and consulted others. We should do this because Christ himself tells us he has brought his Body into "all remembrance" (John 14) and because the Bible also tells us to
test all things which includes ourselves! Why ought we not consult those whom the Holy Spirit has endowed with understanding? Where does the Bible say we must ignore the past generation charged with teaching us and reinvent the wheel?
Reading the testimony of others acts as a benchmark: most of us do not read the original languages or grasp every nuance or cultural framing so consulting other Christians to avoid misunderstanding or missing something seems wise. Wisdom is given through the g
ifts of the Holy Spirit and it is given to some more than to others. Not everyone is endowed with the
same gifts and
understanding doctrine is certainly a gift. "Who will teach me"? (Psa 25:4; Acts 8:31; etc.) Honor those that teach. "Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine." 1 Timothy 5:17
Rather than "
Hand in Hand" as Mr. Alcorn's book is entitled, we would suggest "
Hand to Hand" as scripture is a deposit of revelation and
transmission is more than the sum of individual reading.
Have you heard the objection "
you can't trust the Bible because it has been copied so many time"? The answer to that question is the same as to Mr. Alcorn's idea:
Yes the NT has been copied over and over, but there are 29,000 extant manuscripts. Picking any text, compare all the copies, and individual mistakes become very obvious. In the same manner, reading the sermons and writings of the early church through to Wesley shows what is received and what is innovative and of individual opinion. Such stick out like a sore thumb and doctrine unknown to the majority should be suspect as outside of received teaching.
Did God forget something and need give a new revelation after the Cross and after his deposit of revelation to the Apostles? Of course not and God doesn't tell Paul of Tarsus one thing and, for instance,
John Darby another thing 18 centuries later. Neither add nor take away.
Luke records Paul given inspiration from God. |
We are assured that by Jesus promise to send the Holy Spirit to 'guide us' and 'bring us into all remembrance' we can trust our forebears. To consider those that came before us are unable to teach and to transmit what they have been given is to rob them of their solemn duty and imply the Holy Ghost and Jesus cannot keep the promises of John 14 and therefore cannot be divine. If we omit the collective wisdom of the Body of Christ we operate under a double standard claiming the Spirit for ourselves but rejecting it in others.
Consider the biblical saying "fruit of the vine' -- is confusion the fruit of God? Heaven forbid! But confusion is what individual interpretation brings and the division of the Body into
tens of thousands of denominations demonstrates that pride and individual interpretation are the result of rejecting wisdom and sound learning simply because it is written by another. Our collective testimony to unbelievers is compromised by individual interpretation because it objectively substitutes confusion and contradiction for the logical and objective truth of what Scripture teaches.
We believe we have a better way of discerning truth- an objective way to learn and test doctrine. We will present that next week. Until then -
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
John Dixon
St. Athanasius Anglican Church