On this Feast of the Pentecost 2021, our vestry and officers met to honor our founding priest Fr. Charles Nalls who has done so much for our parish and for so many, contributing much toward our common struggle to uphold orthodox Anglican faith and practice in the United States. An honorable priest whose gifts and efforts have made a notable and positive difference in our collective movement.
We wish him Godspeed and continued success in his current ministry as rector of The Church of the Epiphany in Amherst Virginia.
WHEREAS, the Reverend Canon Charles H. Nalls has faithfully served this parish as a priest and steward, and;
WHEREAS, beginning in 2002, at the request of strangers, Canon Nalls did not hesitate to answer our plea for help and pastoring, and by his dedication to his calling as a shepherd to the sheep of Jesus Christ, did sacrifice his family time, his fortune, did drive hours from Maryland to southern Virginia each week to found and build up this fledgling mission as our shepherd and priest, refusing stipend so that funds could be spent in the service of the flock, was and is ever willing to help ensure the success and continuation of the delivery of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus to the faithful here at Saint Athanasius, and;
WHEREAS, during the same period offered his dedication, talent, expertise, through the Canon Law Institute, did uphold orthodoxy in defending Anglicanism by defending faithful parishes and missions from attempts to strip or ensnare their properties, did represent, often at no cost, and defend fellow traditional Anglican churches, vestries and clergy, for the greater good and preservation of the Continuing Anglican Church movement, and;
WHEREAS, at the same time, without financial help from any diocese or archbishop, he did pursue ongoing higher theological education, earning various theological degrees, and did graduate with highest honors from Dominican House with a teaching degree, a rarely held honor in the Continuing Church, so as to benefit all those in this and other flocks, and;
WHEREAS, during his service here and afterward he also worked for the future of Anglo-Catholicism as a mentor of other clergy and developed the Charles C. Grafton Institute for the instruction and formation of seminarians in the training of their pastoral skills and priestly practice, faith, duties, and obligations to the advancement of our collective movement in the Continuing Church, and continues to counsel traditional Anglicans and other Christians on legal issues as an expert witness on Anglican polity and property issues, and;
WHEREAS, to honor his commitment to the Baltimore Declaration and the Affirmation of Saint Louis, and;
WHEREAS, before, during, and after his service here, he served in leadership positions in various associations such as the Board of The Christian Challenge Magazine, the Fellowship of Concerned Churchmen, and other bodies working to preserve the faith once delivered to bring the influence of the Church of Christ where it would produce fruit in the culture, and;
WHEREAS, he also served his country 20 years in the Navy Reserve as a patriot and Naval Officer, returned to service in the state of Maryland as a chaplain, in which he commanded chaplain corps in both the Maryland and Virginia military departments at the rank of Colonel, received the Maryland National Guard’s highest state award- the Maryland Distinguished Service Cross, and headed a number of patriotic and veterans groups, notably working as the national Chairman of American Cold War Veterans, and;
WHEREAS, Canon Nalls always has conducted himself with love, humility, humor, wisdom, integrity, courage, and self-sacrifice, in the duties of his priesthood;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Vestry of Saint Athanasius Anglican church recognizes the Reverend Canon Charles Hart Nalls for his distinguished service to this church, and our Continuing Movement, of which there can be no doubt, that without his devotion to our Lord Christ Jesus, and to his flock and fellow churchmen, that our Movement would be both poorer in spirit and progress, and so, we, with much respect, heartfelt gratitude, and love, bestow the title Rector Emeritus and that Canon Nalls be ever welcome to preach and dispense the holy sacraments at our altar.
RECOMMENDATION: That the above resolution recommending the Reverend Canon Charles Hart Nalls for emeritus status be approved May 23, 2021 by this Vestry and parish officers:
Vestry: Cindy Pitt Kinney, Larry Harizanoff, Wendy Williams, John Dixon
Officers: Nancy Jett, Treasurer; Corinne Dixon, Secretary.