Dear Diocesan Family:

Why do you seek the living among the dead? Those startling words puzzled the women at the empty tomb. They went to announce all these things to the disciples. In one extraordinary moment, this Good News changed human life and human history. Peter and John ran to the tomb. Thomas doubted. But it is true! Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. Jesus nailed sin and death to the
Cross. Death is defeated and we now share in His Divine life.
In the Easter Season, we proclaim Jesus as Lord and rejoice that because of His life we have the promise of immortality. May all mankind recognize their Savior and proclaim His Resurrection. Let every heart be renewed and every life transformed. He is risen as He said. Let Alleluia be our song!
In a particular way, Peter becomes a model for all of us. Once he understood the truth of the Resurrection, he went forth to tell the Good News that God had raised this Jesus up. Peter was transformed from a frightened man with no hope to a witness to the Resurrection. His witness reminds us that we too are called to be witnesses to the same truth, the same Good News, the same radical transformation that is offered to every man and woman who believes and professes that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
Ours is a faith that leads to action. We are called to belong more deeply to Him and to His Church so that we can be effective servants to one another, effective bearers of Christ’s love. May the love that burst forth from the tomb that first Easter live in our hearts and be expressed in our lives.
Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
Bishop Bill